BLÅ STATION is a family business, established in 1986 and based in the little seaside town of Åhus on the Swedish south-east coast, where the sea is forever restless. Just like us.
Blå Station was born from a designer's desire to put into production furniture which he himself liked and which, to his mind, deserved a place in the market.The designer was by Börge Lindau, our father, who, after many years as partner in the highly successful Lindau & Lindekrantz design-team returned to his home town to create a company run entirely along his own lines.
BLÅ STATION makes furniture using carefully chosen techniques and materials. For many years our language of design has been intimately associated with circles, birch and stainless steel - Börge's chosen idiom. Today the expressions, materials and shapes have evolved from close cooperation with new young designers, new industries. But the philosophy behind it all remains the same. We believe that to meet the demands and desires of today you need an innovative frame of mind, a child's curiosity - and a heart that refuses to take the easy way out.
Curiosity is our fuel as we keep searching, not for the already known and established, but for the unexpected, yet-to-be-discovered. Sometimes that is compelling us to decipher new codes; to dissect the entire production process from standing tree to sitting surface, from iron ore to metal frame.
Beim Objektmöbelhersteller blå station werden die meisten Produkte nach Bestellung gefertigt. Die hier angegebenen Standardmaterialien gelten für viele Artikel, bitte beachten Sie aber die Beschreibung auf den Produktseiten. Die Standard-Lieferzeit beträgt ca. 4-6 Wochen. Kundenspezifische Ausführungen können zu verlängerten Lieferzeiten von 8-10 Wochen führen.
Standard ist Birkenholz (massiv stabverleimt oder Sperrholz furniert) und klar matt lackiert.
Standard Beizfarben: schwarz, creme, hellgrau, grau, blau, gelb, orange, rot, burgund (BLÅ STATION color chart 7). Beim Unterschreiten bestimmter Mindeststückzahlen pro Beizfarbe fallen Einrichtungskosten an.
Gestelle sind entweder aus massivem Edelstahl, matt gebürstet oder aus Stahl, schwarz, silbern oder mittelgrau NCS 7000 lackiert. Einige Produkte (Gate, Bplus, Außenmöbel) haben elektrolytisch verzinkte Gestelle.
Standard Stoffgruppe 1:
Tonus 2000, Tinta 3, Canyon, Flora 2, Tonica (alle Kvadrat)
Standard Stoffgruppe 2:
Hallingdal, Twin, Divina 2, Divina melange, Dafir, Skifer, Tundra 2, Linie2, Pearl (alle Kvadrat), Tight (Väveri1)
Standard Stoffgruppe 3:
Flint 2, Satu, Glove (alle Kvadrat)
Informationen auch unter: www.kvadrat.de und www.vaveri1.se
Kein Standard. Stamskin und andere Fabrikate sind auf Anfrage möglich.
Standard ist hochwertiges, natürlich pflanzengegerbtes Leder von Tärnsjö Garveri. Dieses sehr angenehme und griffige Leder ist nicht deckgefärbt und wird im Alter immer schöner. Entsprechend empfindlich ist es in der Oberfläche. Für bestimmte Projekte sollte die Eignung geprüft werden. Andere Leder sind möglich, z.B. von Elmo.
Ausgewählte "Bla Station" Produkte:
- Bla Station - Annette Petersson - Söndag 062
- Bla Station - Börge Lindau - be plus B+
- Bla Station - Börge Lindau - Common One B40
- Bla Station - Börge Lindau - Hannah S80/ Johannah S82
- Bla Station - Börge Lindau - Jazz B8J
- Bla Station - Börge Lindau - Ludwig B60
- Bla Station - Börge Lindau - Maximal A6
- Bla Station - Börge Lindau - Medium B8M/ Hövding B8L
- Bla Station - Börge Lindau - Mim 41
- Bla Station - Börge Lindau - Mim 42
- Bla Station - Börge Lindau - Musikal A12
- Bla Station - Börge Lindau - Qvarto S10
- Bla Station - Börge Lindau - Qvarto Table L10
- Bla Station - Börge Lindau - Simsalabim L21 Klapptisch aus Birkenholz
- Bla Station - Börge Lindau - Simsalabim L21 Klapptisch aus Eichenholz
- Bla Station - Börge Lindau - Sparta B15
- Bla Station - Cate & Nelson - Antoinette S55 Sessel
- Bla Station - Cate & Nelson - Easy Chair B25 Sessel
- Bla Station - Christine Schwarzer - Polstergeist S20 - L
- Bla Station - Christine Schwarzer - Polstergeist S20 B
- Bla Station - Christine Schwarzer - Polstergeist S20 T
- Bla Station - Dan Sunaga - Dancer B70
- Bla Station - Fredrik Mattson - Chair 69
- Bla Station - Fredrik Mattson - Ella O76 Sessel
- Bla Station - Fredrik Mattson - Elle 074
- Bla Station - Fredrik Mattson - Fatback Straight S01 / Fatback Round S02 Sessel
- Bla Station - Fredrik Mattson - Fatback Straight S01 Einzelsessel [Ausstellungsstück zum halben Preis]
- Bla Station - Fredrik Mattson - Fellow S30 Club Chair & Sofa
- Bla Station - Fredrik Mattson - Innovation C
- Bla Station - Fredrik Mattson - Kit 075 Sessel mit Freischwingergestell
- Bla Station - Fredrik Mattson - Koja Easy Chair S51L Low / S51H High Sessel
- Bla Station - Fredrik Mattson - Koja Sofa S52L Low / S52H High
- Bla Station - Fredrik Mattson - L Connection S6
- Bla Station - Iskos - Berlin - Spook O41 Sessel
- Bla Station - Johann Lindau - Condeco 028
- Bla Station - Johann Lindau - Gutang 024
- Bla Station - Mia Gammengaard - Hippo O20 Stuhl
- Bla Station - Mitsue Watanabe - Hashi 070
- Bla Station - Osko + Deichmann - Pebble S401 Easy Chair Sessel
- Bla Station - Osko + Deichmann - Pebble Sofa S402 [2-sitzer] / S403 [3-sitzer]
- Bla Station - Osko + Deichmann - Straw O35 Stuhl
- Bla Station - Peter Brandt - Bimbo O60 Hocker
- Bla Station - Peter Molin - PM A11 Heuballen Hocker
- Bla Station - Stefan Borselius - Boo O48 Stuhl
- Bla Station - Stefan Borselius - Dunder 2-Sitzer Sofa S60
- Bla Station - Stefan Borselius - Dunder 3-Sitzer Sofa S60
- Bla Station - Stefan Borselius - Dunder Easy Chair S601 Sessel
- Bla Station - Stefan Borselius - Dundra S70 Stuhl
- Bla Station - Stefan Borselius - Oppo Large 050 / 050A Sessel
- Bla Station - Stefan Borselius - Oppo Small 052 / 052A Sessel
- Bla Station - Stefan Borselius - Oppocement 051L Betonsessel
- Bla Station - Stefan Borselius - Peekaboo 044/ Swivel Paakaboo 043
- Bla Station - Stefan Borselius & Fredrik Mattson - Gecco 033
- Bla Station - Stefan Borselius & Fredrik Mattson - Snooze 040/ Snooze Rock 040R
- Bla Station - Stefan Borselius & Fredrik Mattson - Sting 030 Chair
- Bla Station - Tomoyuki Matsuoka - Big Island 082
- Bla Station - Tomoyuki Matsuoka - Small Island 080